PITCHFORD GHOSTS BY CAROLINE COLTHURST When I inherited Pitchford Hall in January 1972 from my stepfather Robin Grant, I had always kept an open mind with regard to ghosts. I knew that my Grandmother, Lady Evelyn Malcolm, had seen some and that my step-mother, Lady Mary Combe, had had an experience when she was a child staying with her mother, Cousin Esther in Scotland; also I had been told by one of my grandmother’s maids, Birdie, of an experience she had had of seeing some Cavaliers in a garden somewhere. Sadly I had never had an experience myself. ROBIN GRANT,
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Posts by Chris Morris
The Guildhall, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, Saturday 14 November 2015
The Guildhall, Much Wenlock, Shropshire The Medieval Guildhall is an architectural gem of half-timbered construction, adjacent to the ancient Church yard in the centre of the town. We investigated in the Courtroom, Council Chamber and ground floor Butter Market. When conducting our opening group vigil we appeared to make contact with spirit energies as the K-II meters in the Council Chamber were spiking to red. We had already done base readings but had not encountered such. This suggests spirit activity and also a very intelligent energy. We also heard taps on request and a dark shadow was seen by several.
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Ashbourne Town Hall paranormal investigation, Saturday 24 October 2015
Ashbourne Town Hall paranormal investigation, Saturday 24 October 2015 Ashbourne Town Hall, or more correctly the old Market Hall, is located in the heart of Ashbourne. Built in 1861 it is a fine example of one of the few Victorian buildings still in existence in the town. It is faced with ashlar stone and its decorations including balcony and stone pediment which bares the date 1861 and the names of the trustees; are typical mid-Victorian. Formerly the site of the old Talbot Inn which is mentioned in Izaak Walton’s and Charles Cotton’s ‘The Complete Angler’ the Town Hall is the
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Paranormal Friends Terms and Conditions
Paranormal Friends Terms and Conditions Please make sure you have read and understand these terms and conditions before booking on to or attending any of our investigations, as by so doing you are deemed to have accepted them. No persons under the age of 18 years are permitted to attend an investigation of Paranormal Friends. Please do not be offended if we ask for proof of your age as valid identification will be required to be shown otherwise the ticket will become invalid and no refund permitted. All participants must consider and respect the needs of others whilst attending an investigation.
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